
Carpets add charm and cosiness to every home. They decorate not only living rooms and bedrooms, but also hallways and bathrooms and they can be found in households all over the world. But carpet owners know that this beautiful floor covering can attract dirt and grime like a magnet, depending on foot traffic and location. […]

Ali June 14, 2021 Carpet Cleaning

You have a problem: Your home just doesn’t want to shine that much, despite endless cleaning work, because your carpets urgently need a deep cleaning. And that can take a lot of time and effort for those who want to lend a hand, while others worry about how and where to get a professional carpet […]

Ali June 8, 2021 Carpet Cleaning

Finally the sun pays us a long-awaited visit and heralds the beginning of summer. For many, this means: lots of fun outdoors! However, anyone who has children and pets knows which souvenirs are brought home from summer adventures in the garden, park or by the lake, namely above all dirt and grime that land directly […]

Ali June 5, 2021 Carpet Cleaning

What could be nicer than a clean and cozy home? Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, most of us have been spending more time in our own four walls than ever before. And in a pleasant environment – both in the home office and for relaxation – clean carpets are indispensable. But anyone who […]

Ali May 31, 2021 Carpet Cleaning

Let’s face it, having dogs isn’t all fun and games. It’s a responsibility, especially having to safeguard the carpet when stinking mishaps such as urine stains and poop occur. But what do you do after this happens? In this blog, we are going to give you countless tips on how to clean them. Keep reading! […]

Ali March 30, 2021 Carpet Stains

Of all the foul odors that can surround a home, smoke is the strongest. Its smell lingers far longer than most. Carpets with their multiple porous fibres are the perfect accomplice, and the stale stench can last for months to come. If you are looking to remove the smell of smoke from your carpet, you […]

Ali March 23, 2021 Carpet Odor

Having cute little kids at home makes it more lively. And to add to it, having a pet cat, dog, or even a rabbit is bliss! But where there are pets and kids, there is always a mess. Be it dust, dirt, or even their urine, cleaning all these is a tough task. Even after […]

Ali March 16, 2021 Carpet Odor

Urine stains can lead to permanent damage on the carpet if not taken care of. This is because the longer the pet urine stays on the carpet, the more embedded it gets into the fibres, worsening the stain and giving off a nasty odor that won’t go away. Although, its best to fix it immediately, […]

Ali March 9, 2021 Carpet Stains

House dust mite allergy is the allergic reaction to small bugs that are commonly found in house dust. Dust is something that appears everywhere and anytime. No matter how tidy your house is, there is always some dust on sofa cushions, drapes, curtains, carpets, stuffed toys, etc. As per a survey, in Germany alone, over […]

Ali March 2, 2021 Allergy

Für viele beginnt der Tag erst nach dem Kaffee am Morgen. Es kann jedoch auch Ihren großartigen Tag in einen schrecklichen verwandeln, wenn er auf Ihren Teppich verschüttet wird. Und dann beginnt der Kampf, nach Möglichkeiten zu suchen, wie Sie die Kaffeeflecken von Ihrem Teppich entfernen können. Unter den verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten, die auf Teppichen verschüttet […]

Ali July 21, 2020 Teppichpflege