Warum die Teppiche reinigen ?

Warum die Teppiche reinigen?

Der Sommer steht vor der Tür und in Deutschland planen wir alle Ausflüge in die Natur, oder einen längeren Urlaub. Aber vergessen Sie nicht, dass die regelmäßige Reinigung Ihrer Teppiche nicht nur für den Werterhalt sehr wichtig ist. Saubere Teppiche sind das A und O für ein gesünderes und hygienebewusstes Leben.

Even if carpets are soft and comfortable at first glance and give our house warmth with their design, just like on the first day, they also attract dirt. Food crumbs and animal hair settle in the carpet fibers, trigger allergies and attract pests.
Unfortunately, common household vacuum cleaners are not able to thoroughly clean carpets. Their suction power is only superficial. That is why this situation leads you to buy a newer carpet again and again instead of giving the existing one its old shine with a professional carpet cleaning.
Proper cleaning and care of carpets is modern, contemporary, environmentally friendly, sustainable and can have the following advantages:

  • Increases the lifespan of the carpet:
    By regularly cleaning carpets at planned intervals, e.g. B. Quarterly, the life of carpets can be significantly extended and your flooring investment protected.
  • Improves air quality:
    Vacuum cleaning carpets at home removes dust and dirt minimally and superficially. In family members, this can lead to allergies and other reactions. Professional carpet cleaners can reduce the risk for allergy sufferers by pounding your carpets in a professional carpet beater and vacuuming the dust in this way. Professional devices can also remove germs, which is especially important in the flu season.
  • Cleans Contaminants:
    Food crumbs , skin particles and other organic materials trapped in carpets can attract pests. Microscopic insects such as house dust mites often live in carpets and cause allergic reactions in asthmatics.
    Since household vacuum cleaners are not a solution, some try to dampen their carpets with soap and water. Unfortunately, this can encourage mold growth. Thoroughly wet washing is the best way to clean a carpet, but the carpets need to be dried very quickly and this is only possible in industrial drying rooms.
    Can you imagine our babies crawling on such dirty carpets?
  • Removes stubborn stains:
    As with other floors, punctual stains such as chewing gum, red wine, coffee or paint can attract more dirt. Removing it immediately protects the carpet from damage and extends its lifespan.
    You can stop worrying even if your children are drawing on the carpet rather than on paper.
  • Clean carpets improve the ambience of the house:
    Clean, well-cared for carpets speak volumes about the general cleanliness of a house or facility.

my fair cleaning is Germany’s first online platform for carpet cleaning. We’re building a next-generation online platform to make carpet cleaning as easy as ordering pizza online. On our platform you can book your carpet cleaning online, pay directly online and plan the collection of the carpet according to your wishes. DHL, our logistics partner, takes care of the collection and return of your carpets. You can also call us free of charge at 0800-380-3838, or write an email to [email protected] .

Use the discount code FRUH10 to get a 10% discount on your first order.

Ali April 30, 2020 Teppichpflege

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